Dora Creek

Early morning at the stream
Mist hangs in the bracing air
Ripples on the water gleam
Tell me that there fishes there

Ducks emerging from the reeds
Water dragon turns and stares
Tiny birds are pecking seeds
Mother earth her bounty shares

Freeway sounds a distant noise
Rustling leaves their stories tell
Whole creation peace enjoys
Fallen leaves give musty smell

Turn from scene, reluctant sigh
Time to start another day
Will return here by and by
Wish I could have time to stay

“© Copyright Ian Grice 2011 All rights reserved”

The poem was inspired by a view from the back porch of a house we rented at Cooranbong, NSW. The grounds were ablaze with flowers, trees, and the river flowed by the back yard. This was a very beautiful location indeed.

6 thoughts on “Dora Creek

  1. There is much more going on here than a report on scenic admiration. You are taking a tour through what is “streaming through your mind” in a meditation mode – I think!! I wish I could do a better job of that in my prose writing. Perhaps prose does not lend itself to that until you step out of the narrator role and into a playwriter role of giving spoken lines to actors??
    I am not sure about all of this. There is something just more powerful in poetry and maybe that is why good poetry is so good to read!?!?
    Maybe you can speak to that point, Hint!!
    Jim the Fee


    1. Yes I have to agree with you. Poetry is a powerful way to communicate thoughts. Writing does involve a great capacity to recall or imagine, but poetry is a better form to express feelings I have. With poetry I’m constantly rewriting to try and find a better way to express those feelings, and even after publishing I’m still not satisfied with the result and can see ways that expression could have been better stated.


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