Forced Migration


Up through the scrub on a winding trail

At the dawn of a sun kissed day

I strained for the sight of the black snake tail

Nearly walked on it yesterday.


For ‘twas there on the trail I’d recoiled in shock

When the stick stood up in haste,

To retreat with speed ‘neath a nearby rock

As I ran with no time to waste.


As I topped the rise in an open space

I paused while my heart pumped fast,

‘Twas a panorama of glorious grace

I began to relax at last.


In the meadow there on this hillside green

Were kangaroos in their group

And they paused and sniffed, taking in the scene

As the head ‘roo called his troop.


For this was intrusion of their space

And my presence instilled fear,

They’d fled from development in their place,

A home they’d treasured dear.


The head ‘roo stretched to his six-foot height

And he eyed with a steely glare,

Ready he was for potential fight

Should this hated-human dare.


So, I turned with regret from the lovely scene

And retraced my steps on track

From the ‘roo’s viewpoint developments mean

Removal with no turning back.


Then vacation time on the following year

I returned to this favoured place.

But to my surprise, and resulting tear,

‘Twas a new development base.


The trail was gone, and high on the hill

Earth movers ploughed everything bare.

And I understood that it took no skill

Spoiling nature in our care.



“© Copyright Ian Grice,

ianscyberspace 2018 All rights reserved

NB, The above image is copyrighted to

20 thoughts on “Forced Migration

  1. Yes, I remember that Australia has many snakes. And as Australia, we took are losing our nature spots to developers.

    On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 5:12 PM, ianscyberspace wrote:

    > ianscyberspace posted: ” Up through the scrub on a winding trail At the > dawn of a sun kissed day I strained for the sight of the black snake tail > Nearly walked on it yesterday. For ‘twas there on the trail I’d recoiled > in shock When the stick stood up in ha” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Poor kangaroos losing their space. These amazing animals so fascinate me…I would love to see them in real life. Great poem sweet Ian that spoke volumes. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, we used to have a lot of them at our back fence when we first moved north to retirement but within a few years we were in the middle of a brand new suburb and the rolling fields replaced with a concrete jungle without our friendly animal visitors.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Enjoy your holiday! I think that I’ve mentioned before how much I admire the British who, even with thier dense population, have managed to retained some beautiful countryside. People complain about the strict planning laws but i admire what they have achieve.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Urban development. sounds so professional and yet can be so destructive. This poem spoke volumes of the folly of robbing the wild life from its own home. Well written. enjoy your break.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess an increasing population needs to have more places to live. What I quarrel with is taking prime agricultural land and absorbing it into a city. We are going to have to learn to live in high rise buildings or develop on land not suitable for agriculture. We certainly do not need to be destroying more forests and need to begin reafforestation.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A poignant poem and an all too familiar occurence, I’m afraid.

    In Singapore, almost every single spot of my childhood, had been bulldozed, paved over or built over in the name of progress. They tear down buildings and schools no more than 30 years old.

    And the clowns do not even retain the old street names – except for the touristy spots. Instead of exotic multi-cultural street names of yore, we now have automaton street names such as “Avenue 1 – Avenue 2 … Avenue 64….


    Anyway, enjoy your holiday break, Ian – and all good wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

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